Doctoral graduates from the specialization Agricultural Chemistry obtain deep knowledge of issues focusing on agricultural, food and environmental chemistry. Specific topics are concentrated on the development and application of contemporary novel analytical techniques used for the evaluation of quality of agricultural products and foods. A significant focus is also on the description and understanding of processes concerning plant and animal biological materials production, and transforming or digesting compounds of primary interest, such as enzymes, vitamins, antioxidants and many others. An important part of the study programme is devoted to the evaluation of results and quality assurance analyses.
Possibilities of employment
- as professional specialists and leading project managers in Joint research centres and other international research institutions and organizations
- at Universities as properly qualified academic staff
- at research institutes of Academy of Sciences and other specialised research institutions as researchers and managers
- in highly specialised companies focusing on the development of innovative food products in research and development positions
- in public services, and governmental bodies controlling procedures, storage, and quality of agricultural products and foods as highly qualified experts
Principal subjects
- Biochemistry,
- Chemistry of Natural Compounds,
- Molecular Genetics,
- Advanced Plant Biochemistry,
- Advanced Animal Biochemistry,
- Advanced Analytical Chemistry
- Advanced Statistics