The department of Water Resources (DWR) was formed in 2009. The Department is focused on the relationship between water & soil/rock, as well as water resources retrieval, use, protection and management. Hydropedology, soil physics, surface and soil hydrology, hydrogeology, agricultural water management and natural water resources are among the traditional disciplines, being a part of FAFNR since its foundation. Special attention is also paid to water resource issues in arid and semi-arid regions of developing countries (Africa, …).
Principle research topics of the DWR are as follows:
- Soil/rock & water relations and their modelling;
- Determination of soil hydrophysical characteristics and the effect of tillage;
- Monitoring of soil moisture dynamics by non-destructive methods, calibration and testing of sensors;
- Measurements of infiltration, evaporation, evapotranspiration, fog and deposited precipitation;
- Detection of preferential flow;
- Optimisation of irrigation and fertigation;
- Pedotransfer functions with associated databases and maps;
- LNAPL sampling and transport in soils.
Teachers from the DWR provide lectures and thesis supervision for all three study programme levels (B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D) in both Czech and English language. The DWR acts as a guarantor of two international study programmes taught in English: “Natural Resources and Environment” and “Sustainable Use of Natural Resources”. Ph.D. students of the programme “Exploitation and Conservation of Natural Resources” are supervised in Czech, but the assessment is mainly in English language. The DWR provides lectures in regular study programmes in EU and non-EU countries. Furthermore, the teachers participate in organising, and lecturing at summer schools of ELLS.
The DWR offers field and laboratory determination of soil physical and hydrophysical characteristics. The DWR staff provide specialist advice and cooperation in water management, hydropedology, hydrology and hydrogeology issues mainly at the request of state administrations. E.g. cooperation with City District-Prague-Kunratice; working on a verification study of area regulation, a pond proposal (Královský rybník), and expert consultancy services for management of arising crisis and emergency situations related to water resources and structures.