Konference Forum for the Future of Agriculture

Konference Forum for the Future of Agriculture

se koná ve středu 18. května v aula ČZU v Praze (10-17 h.).

Je zajištěn překlad do češtiny, francouzštiny a angličtiny.

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About this event

The team is proud to share that our first 2022 Regional Edition of the Forum for the Future of Agriculture will be happening in Prague, Czech Republic on Wednesday, May 18!


Throughout the year, the Forum for the Future of Agriculture organizes regional conferences and online events to discuss agriculture and the environment at a national level across Europe. Our next edition will take place in person at the Faculty of Agrobiology, Food, and Natural Resources (Fakulta agrobiologie, potravinových a přírodních zdrojů), with translations available in Czech, French and English.


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