Kurz Marine Living Lab pro studenty (Zadar)

Univerzita v Zadaru pořádá kurz Marine Living Lab zaměřený na Mořskou biologii.

Studenti po úspěšném absolvování kurzu získají 3 kredity ETC. 

Kurz má dvě části v květnu a v červnu probíhá online příprava a v září v Chorvatsku na místě.
Přihlášky na: agronomija@unizd.hr
Výzva platí do naplnění kapacit.
Kurz je pro studenty ČZU hrazen z projektu EU.




Výtah ze syllabu - Course description:

Description of the virtual part of the program: The virtual part of the program will be held in May and June and consist of five lectures lasting two school hours each. Through the lectures, participants will learn about the basic methods used in field research of marine ecosystems. All lectures will emphasise the impact of the challenges on the Adriatic Sea and the possibility of applying the acquired knowledge to other marine areas with different ecological conditions that face similar challenges and threats. After the lectures, the students will take the online exam. Passing the exam is required to attend the program's practical part.

Description of the physical part of the program: The physical part of the program will be held in September for 5 days with 6 hours of activity. Before the start of the physical part of the program, students will be divided into groups composed of students and teachers/mentors from different institutions. Students, accompanied by a teacher, will spend the first three days conducting various field studies of marine ecosystems to determine the types and intensities of the challenges that marine ecosystems face. On the fourth day of the physical part of the program, students, together with their mentors, will analyse the collected data to identify the various challenges marine ecosystems face and devise possible solutions for mitigation and adaptation to the challenges mentioned above. The fifth day of the physical part of the program will be reserved for presenting the results of the field research that each research group has collected and for delivering the designed solutions.



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